The Theosophia Islamica accepts the articles which the authors write on their research achievements in the format of analysis, comparison and criticism. The journal welcomes researches that contain new findings and are fundamental.
Theosophia Islamica apologizes for receiving a new article from authors who have another article in the review process and has not yet been published.
If the article is taken from:
Thesis (full title, Supervisor, University)
Research project (full title of the project, implementation date, project partners, relevant organization)
Oral presentation at the conference and congress (full title of the conference or congress, date, relevant organization)
The author must provide detailed information on the related work. Otherwise, at any stage when the publication realizes that the author is not informed, it will act in accordance with the regulations.
Template and subject of accepted papers
*Theosophia Islamica only accepts articles that are the result of the author's research achievements and contain new findings.
*The journal is exempt from accepting mere review articles, compiling and reporting, translation.
Files that must be loaded into the system at the time of registration
Original file of the article (without authors' details)
Authors' profile file (in Persian and English)
Commitment file (signed by all authors)
Submitting an article for judging is conditional on sending the three files and registering the information correctly in the system
Manuscript Submission
1. The article should be sent via the journal’s website (
2. The articles should not have already been published previously or sent to another journal at the same time.
3. Please do not post several articles at once.
Length of Paper
The length of the articles should be between 6500 and 8000 words.
Title Page
The authors must load two files on the website . One should be the main text of the article and the other the title page.
The title page should contain specifications such as the first name and the surname, the academic degree , the field of study, the affiliations, the email address and the phone number of the author(s). Also, the corresponding author -if the authors are more than one person– should be specified.
How to enter the personal details of the authors
The responsible author must be clear in works that have more than one author. The phrase (responsible author) should be written in front of the author's name
The sender of the article is considered the responsible author and All subsequent correspondence and notifications are made with her.(feminine)
Organizational dependence of authors should be in accordance with one of the following patterns:
Faculty Members
Scientific rank (Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor), Department, University, City, Country, Email
Student (bachelor's, master's, doctoral) degree, university, city, country, e-mail
Free individuals and researchers
Degree (Bachelor's, Master's, Doctorate) Field of study, service organization, city, country, e-mail
Level (2, 3, 4), field of study, seminary / seminary, city, country, e-mail.
* Abstract should include the objectives, methods and results of the research.
* The length of the abstract should be between 200 and 250 words.
* Abstract should have 5to 10keywords.
* The article must contain a title, an abstract in Persian, an introduction, the main text, the conclusion, the list of references and an abstract in English.
* The article should be typed in Microsoft Office Word (2010, 2007 , 2003 ).
* The main text file of the article should not contain the name of the author(s) or any thanks notes to individuals or organizations that have funded the research.
* Please do not provide references directly or indirectly to the author(s) in the text and footnotes.
* Proper names, English terms and explanatory references should be cited in the footnotes.
* The articles that are accepted can cite thanks to individuals or organizations that have funded the research before the list of references.
Author(s) should follow the latest edition of APA style in referencing.
References within the text should be written in parenthesis and in the following fashion: (surname of the author, the year of publication, the page number, and the article's Doi).
In case you have provided a reference to an author that has two books that have been published in the same year, you should distinguish them by using the words “a” and “b” after the year of publication.
References at the end of the text should be sorted alphabetically and based on the following order:
Journal Article: author’s surname, the first letter of author’s name. the year of publication (in parenthesis). the title of the article. the title of the journal (italic), (number of volume)( number of issue), the page numbers.
McDowell, John J. (1979).Virtue and Reason. The Monist, 62(3), 331- 50, DOI: 10.5840/monist197962319
Book: author’s surname, the first letter of author’s name, the year of publication (in parenthesis), the title of the book(italic), the translator/ editor/ collector, the place of publication: and the publisher.
Sadr al-Din al-Shirazi, M. (Mulla Sadra). (1981). al-Shawahid al-rububiyyah fi manahij al-sulukiyyah. Sayyid Jalal al-Din Ashtiyani (ED.) together with Sabziwari’s commentary, Mashhad: Markaze Nashre Daneshgahi.
Chapter of a book: author’s surname, the first letter of author’s name, the year of publication (in parenthesis), title of the article, in+ the name of the collector or editor, the title of the book (italic),(the page numbers), the place of publication: the publisher.
Zagzebski, L., (2001), Must Knowers be Agent? in A. Fairweather and L. Zagzebski (Eds.). Virtue Epistemology: Essays on Epistemic Virtue and Responsibility, (pp.142-157). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Online resource: author’s surname, the first letter of author’s name, the title of the article. the address of the website (italic). and the date that the article has been received.
Taliaferro, Ch. (2013), Philosophy of Religion, In Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from
Responsibility of the Article
1. Authors(s) are solely responsible for the accuracy of the article. Therefore, the articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board.
2. The journal has the right to accept, reject and edit the article.
3. The journal rejects articles that contain elements that are plagiarized. Therefore, if an author uses someone else’s research achievement or a part of his/her own published researches without citing the source, the article will be rejected.
4. Theosophia Islamica handles the plagiarism and duplication with iThenticateplagiarism checker software to verify the originality of written work.